Each operator can also be prefixed by not, which denotes its negation, e.g. not =, not smaller than, etc.
The RHS can be either a field or a value.
Symbol | Example |
=, equal | [First Name] equal "John" |
The RHS can be either a field or a value.
Symbol | Example |
smaller than, < | Likely < "USD" 5000 |
larger than, > | Likely larger than Worst |
smaller than or equal, <= | Likely <= "EUR" 5000 |
larger than or equal, >= | Likely >= Best |
The between operator expects two arguments on the RHS. The arguments can be separated by either a comma , or semicolon ;. Either, or both, of the RHS arguments can be fields.
X between Y, Z is equivalent to X >= Y and X <= Z.
The in operator expects one or more arguments on the RHS. It tests whether the LHS argument is equal to any of the RHS arguments. Any of the RHS arguments can be fields.
The contains operator tests whether the LHS argument contains the value on the RHS. It is not case sensitive ("abc" is the same as "ABC", "aBC", "ABc" etc.). The RHS cannot be a field, only a value.
The RHS cannot be a field, only a value.
Symbol | Example |
starts with | Name starts with "John" |
ends with | Name ends with "Doe" |
The RHS can be either a field or a value.
Between for temporal fields is equivalent to X on or after Y and X before or on Z.
Symbol | Example |
strictly before | [Date Created] strictly before today |
strictly after | [Date Created] strictly before last month |
before or on | [Date Created] strictly before @[next monday] |
on or after | [Date Created] strictly before @[3 weeks ago] |
between | [Date Created] between @[3 weeks ago], today |
The empty operator does not have a RHS. For example, the following query searches for all records that have an empty description.
It can also be used on links, in which case it means "has no linked records of that type". For example, if used in the Accounts module, the following query searches for Accounts that have no Opportunities.